Frequently Asked Questions




Brown Bess Flintlock showing flint attachment.




How Do I Join the Carlisle Minutemen?


Send your name, address, telephone number, and email address along with a check for $15.00 dues to:


                                                                   Captain Scott Evans

                                                                   299 Heald Road

                                                                   Carlisle, MA 01741


It is not necessary to be a resident of Carlisle to join.  Indicate your interest in Fife, Drum, Musket or other activities.


You will be sent back a certificate signed by the Captain of the Minutemen and a packet of information regarding meetings, events, clothing, etc.  You will also be contacted by phone or email to introduce you to the group.


What should I wear?


The Carlisle Minutemen are not formal about uniforms.  Since the historical period we are trying to recreate predates the existence of the United States, or the Continental Army, minutemen of the period were usually dressed as farmers.  Any typical colors for colonial clothing are fine.  A good start is to order a tricorn hat of this period from one of the sources listed on the Clothing Sources page.  The other pieces of clothing can often be made up from old things you might already have.  A vest from a suit can be worn as a waistcoat.  With a little sewing and some colonial buttons, it can look close to an 18th century item.  Cutting off an old pair of pants just below the knee, and sewing on colonial buttons can make knee britches.  Shoes can be any style with maybe a brass buckle added on top.  A pair of gaitors is often worn over shoes or boots to allow a colonial look while maintaining foot comfort for walking.


What would I do with the Minutemen?


You have a number of choices.  If you are musically inclined we can get you started on the fife or drums.  If you would like to carry a musket, we can typically loan you one for our events.  You may purchase your own musket, and fire it at events, and learn how to clean it properly.  We can train you in its proper handling, firing and cleaning.  You can also carry a flag or other items, such as a rusty pitchfork.


What Events do we attend?


Typically we attend six to eight events per year, or more if people are interested.  See the Events page for a brief description of our yearly events.  Sometimes folks join up with other minutemen companies to attend events and re-enactments in outlying locations.


What do our annual Dues pay for?


The funds raised with the annual dues primarily cover the cost of producing the Estabrook Trail Walk Medals given out each year on Patriots Day.  These cost about $2.50 each to make, and we hand out about 250 each year.


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